Instructions for Pendulum Appliances
The appliance will move your 6 year molars back in your upper jaw to make room for all your permanent teeth and help to
give your teeth a healthy bite relationship. These are “cemented” in place and not removeable. If they do come loose, please schedule an appointment as soon as possible to recement the appliance.
Cleaning the appliance
After eating you may trap food around the appliance. It is important to remove trapped food debris to maintain good oral hygiene. You may use a toothbrush to clean the pendulum framework and brush your teeth and along your gumlines. A mouth rinse may also be very helpful in removing food debris that may have collected around the appliance. We highly recommend purchasing a Water Pik, which is a handheld device used squirt a light jet of water around and under the appliance.
What to expect
— The pendulum appliance may cause sore teeth and also cause sore spots inside your cheeks, palate, or tongue. You will adjust to having the appliance in 3 to 5 days.
— The appliance may affect your speech for a short period of time and create extra saliva. Reading out loud will help you get used to talking with the appliance. Your saliva flow will go back to normal in a few days.
— As the appliance moves the teeth back, expect spaces to form between the teeth in the back.
— Stay away from all sticky foods (chewy candies, etc.) and hard foods (popcorn, etc.).
A loose appliance
—If the appliance comes loose, please schedule an appointment as soon as possible to recement the appliance.
— If the springs come out, put them in an envelope or baggie, call our office for an appointment and bring the springs with you to your appointment.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us!